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COVID-19 Policies and Health Center Reminders for Rumsey Hall School 

2023-2024 School Year

The following are the COVID-19 Policies for students, faculty, and staff at Rumsey Hall School along with information on emergency contacts and medication policies.  Please note: policies are subject to change based on national, state, and local COVID-19 guidelines.  


  • The School follows the State of Connecticut guidelines for vaccinations of school-age children.
  • The School currently does not mandate the vaccine; however, we strongly encourage all members of our community to be fully vaccinated, including boosters when warranted.  


  • COVID-19 rapid antigen testing will be available for symptomatic students and faculty and staff through the Health Center.  

Boarding Students

  • All diagnosed individuals with COVID-19 will be required to isolate per CDC guidelines.
  • An emergency contact, who is able to pick them up within 24 hours of a positive test, must be on file with the School.
  • Boarding students must complete a five-day isolation period OFF campus. The day of testing is considered "Day One".
  • A boarding student may return to campus on Day 6 if they are fever free and have an improvement in symptoms. The student will be required to wear a mask at all times except while eating or in their dorm rooms.
  • Masking may be discontinued if two negative rapid antigen tests, 48 hours apart, on Day 6 and Day 8 are obtained.  

Day Students

  • Day students must complete a five-day isolation period at home. The day of testing is considered "Day One".
  • A student may return to campus on Day Six and must wear a mask on days six through ten. If a child is unable to properly wear a mask during this time, they will be asked to complete the ten-day isolation period at home.
  • If your child completes a negative Covid-19 test, 48 hours apart, on Day 6 and Day 8, they may remove their mask for the remainder of the isolation period.


  • Masking will be required for day students completing days six through ten of their isolation period as stated above.
  • Mask may be removed after two negative Covid-19 tests on Day 6 and Day 8.
  • Masking of close contacts may be requested of students and faculty if COVID-19 numbers within our community are on the rise.


  • Students ages 12 and older who have tested positive will need a sports clearance from their physician in order to return to sports.
  • A return-to-sport protocol will be closely followed for these athletes.

Emergency Contact

  • All boarding students must have an emergency contact who is able to pick them up and remove them from campus in case of an emergency, the need for isolation, or illness requiring a lengthy recovery.  The emergency contact will pick up or arrange transportation for the student within 24 hours of notice. 
  • The Emergency Contact form may be found on Magnus Health under the Conditional Questions.  Please ensure your contact’s name, address and contact information is included.  Please make sure your child's emergency contact understands they must be able to pick up your child within 24 hours regardless of illness or injury.
  • If a family does not have an emergency contact,  Student Health Advocates (SHA), a guardian and concierge service, for boarding students in our area is an option. If your family chooses SHA, we encourage you to sign up with the service prior to school starting in September. Signing up with the service is the responsibility of the parent.


Safety and Surveillance

The health and wellbeing of our students, faculty, and community is our utmost priority. 

Communicable Disease Policy 


Questions about health and wellness?
Health Center

Nancy Dalrymple
Director of Health Center